Signs that you are in the right job

Sometimes when we work, we wonder whether we are in our place, whether we can make the most of our potential, fulfil ourselves and feel that we can improve.

A. Maslow was a psychologist and one of the founders of humanistic psychology, who drew attention to the perception of human happiness and the need for self-fulfilment, and in today’s society, it is at work that we most often seek self-fulfilment, so it is crucial to pay attention to whether our position at work allows us to feel comfortable and happy.

So what are the tell-tale signs that you are truly TAME at work?

  • You don’t get up in the morning with the unpleasant feeling of having to go to work, and you can still see yourself at work five years later and still have professional aspirations.
  • Sometimes you feel stressed. If you don’t, you’re not putting your heart into it enough and you’re not realising yourself. Sure, long-term stress can be exhausting, but sometimes it is necessary for development.
  • Your work becomes your hobby. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s relaxing, but if you’re constantly innovating and expanding your horizons, it means you’re doing something you enjoy.
  • Sometimes you hesitate and don’t trust yourself. Again, this is a sign that you care about your work and that your desire to improve is strong enough.
  • You still have “burning eyes”. This is usually best seen by people around you.

You will probably never have an exhaustive list of the signs that you are in the right job, but it is worth noting the points above.

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